Thursday, December 30, 2004

It's nearly done

Well, here it is, my first official evening of Nothing To Do for a long time. Ahh. And I sit here at work and look forward to it tremendously. I know it can't live up to my expectations because in the final end I am someone who looks forward to having stuff to do. But, as I sit here at my desk and think longingly about an evening with nothing planned it seems downright blissful. To sit at home. To channel surf. To a warm, leisurely bath. To a glass of wine with my husband. It's nice to dream. I know it won't be thus as we will need to run out for groceries and I will get cold and I won't be able to think of anything to eat for supper. And I will get sleepy by 9 pm. And there will be nothing to watch on the telly.

But, right now I just want to think about crawling under the covers and relaxing.


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