Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Good to Know Some Things Never Change

I'm very happy to report that my cynical attitude is still very much intact. I have always disliked Valentine's Day. But, there was a part of me that wondered if it was sour grapes. A part of me that wondered if perhaps if I HAD a valentine per se that I would change my views and turn into a slobbering romantic. Well, thankfully, that has not happened. I now have a significant other whom I love very much. And yet, if he were to walk into my office next Monday with a bouquet of red roses the look of disgust that would cross my face would be unavoidable. Don't get me wrong, I love getting gifts and more than that I love giving gifts. But, I don't need some guilt-ridden made up holiday to persuade me to do so.

And, I think the thing that surprises me on some levels is that almost anyone I talk to isn't very fond of the day. So, are we just all giving in to the pressure? The pressure of the stores? The pressure of the hearts; the colour red; Cupid? The pressure of the questions? "What did your boyfriend give you for Valentine's Day?" "Are you going out for dinner?"

Whatever the case may be I think we'll probably be doing laundry that night. How romantic.


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