Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wherein I whine a little bit but then also turn it around for two tiny rays of sunshine

  1. We have been sick. Horribly, horribly sick. Weak in the knees, exhausted sick. Jack got it last week and I got a wee touch of it as well. This week Abby got it and I got it again.

  2. Much puking has occurred.

  3. Feeling this sick isn't fun EVER. Feeling this sick when the temperatures are rising in the high 30s and the house is not air-conditioned is much worse.

And now the little bits of sunshine:

  1. Our sweet friend Justin brought over a monarch chrysalis for us. Today it emerged. And I felt lucky. Lucky to have a friend like that and lucky to get to see a butterfly spread his wings for the very first time. Lucky, lucky.

  2. My husband has gone above and beyond during this bug. I marvel at his kindness. And I have NO idea how people go through stuff like this on their own. Seriously, tonight I likely would have locked them in a room and thrown food in there for them so that they would survive their night. Blessed I am.


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