Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Where is Dr. Phil when I need him?

I worry about money. As far back as I can remember I've worried about money. When I was a child I worried about my parents' finances. I received a letter from my dentist informing my parents that I needed braces. As I knew my parents couldn't afford it I threw that letter out before they saw it. Thinking back to that child breaks my heart. And, here I sit, 35 years into my life and I still worry about money. When I think of the possibility of starting a family the biggest fear that nearly cripples me is "How can we afford it?" Yes, I think of the possibility of our child being handicapped but that doesn't worry me, I know we could get through that together. Yes, I think of the child one day rejecting us but that (although it saddens me) is also something that I know we'd survive. But worrying about money keeps me awake at night.

The crazy thing is that with the exception of about a year I have had basically no money problems as an adult. I owe next to nothing and have a substantial amount put away for rainy days. So, WHAT IS UP with the worry? Anyone want to help analyze me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're channeling Grandma, but you know it doesn't make sense to worry about water?

11:36 PM  

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