Thursday, June 09, 2005

Interview time

Because I asked her to, Stephanie (creature bug) has asked me some interview questions and here are my responses:

1. What's the best gift you ever received as a child? (let's say...under age 16)

Boy, tough call. I think I'd have to say my guitar which was a really big deal since we typically didn't get such big gifts.

2. If you could have a celebrity as a neighbor, who would you choose and why? (It can be just one celebrity or a married celebrity couple.)

Now, as I'm a movie fan AND a thinker I could obsess about this question for far too long. However, I'm not going to and I'm just going to say Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. Partly because I like Gwyneth as an actress and partly because I quite like Chris' songwriting abilities.

3. Describe to me your favorite memory from your wedding.

Hmm, another hard one. I'm copping out and picking 3:
1) Preparing the wedding meal with my boy.
2) The flowers that my friend had set up at the reception to help the place look like an indoor garden.
3) The kids from our church singing.

4. If money was no object, where would you love to own a vacation home?

Finally, an easy one. Hands down this would be somewhere in Australia - probably close to Brisbane. Of all the places I've been Australia is the place I could see myself living permanently.

5. If you were to create a time capsule of your life so far, what three (or four or five...I hate to limit your imagination) things would be included. Explain the significance of each item.

1) Definitely a photo album filled with photos of my life so far: youth, travels, friends, family, wedding... Self-explanatory.
2) The Chronicles of Narnia- probably the books that had the most impact on me as a youth and a lover of books.
3) My old passports. Helps the person digging it up understand my passion of travel.
4) My collection of Folk Fest wristbands and/or programs. Again, helps to define me. I'd want the person digging it up to understand some of the facets of my personality.

and the question I'm asking everyone just because I'm curious --
6. What non-religious book do you think everyone should read?

ONE?! Only one!? Gosh I just don't know. Perhaps The Poisonwood Bible to admire Barbara Kingsolver's talent as a writer. And, since I CAN'T just pick one I'm going to say Tuesdays With Morrie as well. Just so you know what's going on in my brain: I went with books I not only liked but books that I think most people would like. I'd hate to pick something too quirky and reveal something private about my personality. :-)

And, since I HAVE to follow rules, let me know if you want me to interview you. I LOVE coming up with questions.

The Official Interview Game Rules

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "interview me." (Make sure I have your email address.)

2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.

3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great answers!

Gwyneth and Chris are definitely o my wish list of neighbors. Gwyneth could give all sorts of baby advice and probably would be super nice and get you a fab baby shower gift. And any time you throw a party, Chris could provide the music.

Clearly I thought too much about this answer!

4:09 PM  
Blogger Heather Plett said...

Sure - go ahead and interview me - if you think there are enough things you don't already know about me :-)

6:42 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Pick me! Pick me! I'd love to be interviewed by you.

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, hit me with it :)

1:47 AM  

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