Thursday, August 04, 2005

Dear Baby.

Please start kicking your father's hand when he puts it on my belly. I know you probably giggle with delight at the fact that you can always tell and stop moving the second you hear him approaching but I think he's starting to get hurt feelings. If you're going to play tricks on ANYONE it should rather be me than him because I'm more liable to pay them back and he'll just always take them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for those words, sweetie, but it is all good, really. I always have this notion that Zoog will know it's me and start kicking like the dickens. I should learn to leave my hand on your stomach for more than 3 seconds. ;-)

I am so looking forward to meeting our child. I can't wait to see he/she in his/her mother's arms for the first time. That will be one of the best times of my life.

1:23 PM  

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