Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Thirteen Walks Week 5

The morning took us to the strawberry fields. Jack felt a lot of taste testing was necessary. And then again when I was cleaning them: "Mom, I just can't stop myself."

Walk #5 was Abby's choice: Assiniboine Park. We visit this park fairly often but Abby had never seen the faces up close and personal and wanted to. Bill Norrie had a little visitor on his face.

A couple of the gents got a chance to wear Jack's gentleman's hat.

The problem with sneaking in to a garden to get a close-up of a flower is that Jack feels that's an invitation for him to do the same.

Just one of the many differences in my children. Abby picks me a bouquet of flowers for my wedding. Jack picks flowers... to eat them.


Blogger pamero said...

Quite understandable Jack. Once I started tasting I just couldn't stop. I really should have been charged for an extra bucket.

5:17 PM  
Blogger corrie said...

Yep, I held off on the strawberries as long as I could, then it was a free for all.

9:07 AM  

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