Thursday, May 04, 2006

By request.

6 things I love about my Little Joe (in honor of her turning 6 months old today):

- How her face lights up, her little hands go into her mouth, and how her pudgy legs start to kick when she sees me walk in the room;
- How her and her Mommy can make each other laugh simply by making faces at each other (and how much I enjoy watching them);
- How she has discovered her voice, and can chatter at length, carrying on a conversation with her toys, her parents, or herself;
- How good she feels in my arms;
- How great of a traveler she is (several trips to NW Ontario, one trip to see Grandpa, and countless mini-excursions);
- How any time spent with her is a good time, no matter what we are doing.

And a bonus (because there are a lot more than 6 things, and because I can):

- How grateful, lucky, and blessed she makes me feel for being her Daddy.

Abigail, I love you very much, and I will always be here for you. I can't imagine life before you. You are my little girl, and I am a better person for being your father. These 6 months have passed by so quickly, and you amaze me every day with how much you are growing, how you can sit up by yourself, roll around on the floor, and develop your own character. I can't wait for the next 6 months (although they will pass too quickly).

Love always,



Blogger ccap said...

Happy half-a-year Peanut/Little Joe/Abby! Your mom and dad love you! Bunches!

Thanks for the guest-blogging, sweetie. Made me smile.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Heather Plett said...

Nice :-) Can't believe half a year has passed already.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

"How good she feels in my arms."
Only a parent really knows that feeling. I am so happy for you and ccap. There is nothing that compares to being a parent.

4:46 PM  

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