Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Someday the curve in between your nose and forehead will not be such a prime kissing spot.
Someday you will not be astonished at the water in your face when you kick your foot in the tub.
Someday we will not have day after glorious day reveling in each other’s company.
Someday you won’t let Auntie Corrie kiss your bald spot.
Someday there won’t BE a bald spot.
Someday you won’t stare in wonder at your hands and be amazed at the movements they make.

Someday you won’t giggle as your daddy wanders from one side of the kitchen to the other to wave hello from each doorway.
Someday you won’t fall asleep on my chest, hair becoming matted with sweat.
Someday you won’t grasp my bra as you suckle at my breast.
Someday you won’t sit on my lap as I type, aching to reach the keyboard.
Someday the thought of grabbing your toes and sucking them will be unappealing.

Someday you’ll want me to come on my blog and remove any embarrassing photos.
Someday you'll leave me.
But, that day is not today and for that I am glad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely post, Cynthia.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, Moodge. I hope that "someday" is a long, long way away.

2:27 PM  
Blogger mmichele said...

that baby has the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen.

2:34 PM  
Blogger corrie said...

sniff, sniff... I do love that bald spot...

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those eyes, that dark hair...what a beauty!

Someday does come eventually, but thankfully they are only replaced by other wonderful things.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Someday she may leave you physically but you will always have a place in her heart whether she wants to admit it at the time or not. What a precious picture!

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart! I feel like she is looking straight at me. Your post beautifully captures that mother's sense of vibrant immediacy and of time passing oh so quickly...

8:09 PM  
Blogger Heather Plett said...

Someday, she'll run off the soccer field and you'll realize that she is a strong, maturing young woman, and your heart will almost burst. Like Stephanie says, the "somedays" keep getting replaced by other "somedays".

Great post.

10:43 PM  
Blogger Raehan said...

Oh my gosh....she's gorgeous, as is this post.

12:51 PM  

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