Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Day 100 - April 10th

A few days ago I saw a blog hosting a contest in honour of the 100th day of the year. Today. And, since it requires making a list, I simply HAD to enter.

And so, my list of 100 Things. (using her template)

I have lived…
1. In various apartments for 19 years.
2. In 11 different places.
3. On a farm.
4. In Romania.
5. In a 2 room (no, not 2 bedroom, 2 room) home with 5 other people.
6. In 2 different provinces.
7. As an adult, with 2 of my siblings, on different occasions.
8. Completely alone, quite happily.
9. With my husband and daughter, quite happily.
10. With all 3 of my siblings in one room.

I have witnessed...
11. Fireworks over the ocean in Hawaii.
12. Fireworks over Central Park.
13. The coral reef.
14. The birth of sheep, cows and pigs.
15. 4 Broadway shows in NYC.
16. 5 live theatre shows in London.
17. 2 Cirque du Soleil shows in Las Vegas.
18. 18 Folk Festivals.
19. My skin on fire.
20. My boy getting makeup applied by 3 nieces.

I have heard...
21. The first cry of my newborn baby.
22. How Great Thou Art being sung in 3 languages simultaneously.
23. A kookaburra laugh.
24. A symphony playing Vivaldi’s 4 Seasons in the oldest cathedral in Paris.
25. The Barenaked Ladies live 4 times.
26. My coworker yelling at me until the veins protruded in her neck.
27. Never-ending police sirens in NYC.
28. A rooster crowing me awake.
29. I do.
30. That the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

I have lost...
31. My dad.
32. My purse on the train which contained the last $30 I had.
33. Track of time.
34. My desire to stay up late.
35. My love of chewing ice.
36. All hope that my husband will quit saying bad jokes.
37. Good friends.
38. All of my grandparents.
39. 10 pounds since January 1 (finally – only 5 pounds to go before I’m back to prepreg weight.
40. My newest cookbook.

I have found...
41. I’m not very good at multitasking.
42. Favorite friends.
43. That you can never see too many movies.
44. or concerts.
45. or musicals.
46. I am good at saving money.
47. That the best tasting bagels are in New York City.
48. Peace.
49. Comfort.
50. My newest cookbook! Hurray!

I love...
51. My boy.
52. My girl.

53. Music.
54. The word "hope".
55. Loose, cotton summer dresses.
56. Lists.
57. Peanut sauce.
58. Laughter.
59. Things to look forward to. Filled in days on my calendar.
60. Warm sun shining in through the window and time to lay in it.

I can...
61. Tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.
62. Navigate my way through the eastern U.S. quite well.
63. Cook reasonably well.

64. Walk for quite some time with a heavy backpack on my back.
65. Grow things.
66. Take care of myself financially.
67. Be overly sarcastic.
68. Turn off the taps in the bathtub with my toes.
69. Speak up if I think it’s necessary.
70. Tell the difference between wheat and barley.

I loathe...
71. Scraping the last of the Miracle Whip out of the jar.
72. Nylons.
73. Telephones
74. Typical cookie cutter clothing stores. You know the ones where you’re inside and you can’t remember if you’re in Ricki’s or Suzy Shier or Reitman’s or Smart Set…
75. Carnations.
76. Salmon.
77. Dusting.
78. Spelling and/or grammar mistakes in major publications.
79. Close-minded thinking.
80. Litter.

I hope...
81. I always have need of a passport.

82. We find a house we love (and can afford) this year.
83. To have a beautiful perennial garden someday.
84. That my child grows up to be responsible and respectful.
85. That my child develops a relationship and faith in God.
86. It warms up soon.
87. I always recognize how completely blessed I am.
88. My next pregnancy (assuming there is one) goes by more pleasantly than the first.
89. You are all comfortable and cozy while reading this.
90. That I can take my family on many, many trips through the years.

I am trying...
91. To worry less.
92. To get back to my prepregnancy weight.

93. Not to interrupt so much.
94. To believe. (help my unbelief)
95. To be kind.
96. To live in the moment.
97. To accept that J-L thinks I’m beautiful.
98. Not to be too much of a pessimist.
99. To have more faith.
100. To finish off this list.


Blogger Heather Plett said...

Oooo... I LIKE it! I may have to try this one too.

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:22 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I LOVE your list! So many things to comment on, but I'll limit it to three.

Hearing a kookaburra laugh? That's cool!

Losing 10 pounds? WAY TO GO! Be gone last 5 pounds! Be gone!

And getting a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? Me too.

Yay list of 100.

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been asked repeatedly why I do not have a blog. I will have to develop one someday, perhaps when I have a less limited use of a computer. Nevertheless, it is entries like this one that make me long to bite the bullet. I loved your list!

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know what? I don't think there is anything 'common' about your amazing life, comfortable though it may be! And if your newest cookbook is the one I sent you (just in case), I would be happy to send it again!

1:57 AM  

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