Friday, May 12, 2006

Hey, I never said I was a fast learner.

I'm pretty impressed with myself (sarcasm intended), 6 months in and I've learned two things about having a baby:

(1) When they are cranky as newborns most people will ask if they are (a) hungry, (b) tired or (c) gassy.

(2) When they are cranky at about 6 months old people will ask if they are (a) hungry, (b) tired or (c) teething.

I have no idea which it is but I am wearying of the crabby Abby. Any advice welcome.

I am sooo not in the mood for this. Put the camera down and tend to me. Seriously!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes there isn't a reason. They are just in a foul mood. Like if I take a nap in the afternoon I wake up angry and mad at the world. I have no idea why! I could bite the heads off nails and spit out tacks. I think babies must have the same run of emotions! Steven is a crabass every evening along about 7pm until he finally goes to sleep around 8 or 8:30pm. At first I dreaded that time of day to come. Now I prepare for. TV and couch time and I hold him and let him nurse and fuss and fuss and nurse and kick and scratch until he suddenly gives up and falls asleep. Sometimes we do the same thing inthe rocking chair in a dim room. I do know he will outgrow this phase and I will look back on it as one of the many memories that a momma has of her baby.

P.S. You win!

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes they're just doing it to do get attention. My nephew used to do this, and I'd just ignore him. Eventually, he'd give up acting crabby...especially if no one was paying attention to him doing it.

It would usually go something like this... He'd start acting up... I would go through a check list to see what was bothering him. Are you hurt, hungry, tired, etc... If he said no to everything on the list, I'd tell him that he could stay by himself until he stopped being crabby, and he could come join us when he was ready.

Most times, within five minutes, he'd be back in the same room with us, and smiling...being his normal cheerful self. Now he doesn't do it anymore.

6:48 AM  
Blogger mmichele said...


5:35 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

I see she's sitting on the grass. Ben hated sitting on the grass. Maybe she hates it too.

8:02 PM  

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