Tuesday, June 06, 2006
- 100 Things.
- My life
- My boy
- My girl
- His Name is Jack (my pregnancy blog)
- Accidental Poet
- Fumbling for Words
- Good days!
- Joyska's Journal
- Just Me
- laundromat
- Micah's Only Blog
- My Voice
- My blog
- Nikki's cool world
- the quest for baby dela Rosa
- Sally-Joe
- supposed confessions of a sensitive mind
- Verbalizations of a Movie Addict
- Wearing Spandex on the Moon
- Would Shed
Very sweet and pretty. Humble only in the best way.
There is material enough in a single flower for the ornament of a score of cathedrals.
John Ruskin (1851)
Thanks for the pictures! Enjoy! Here's to the day when you can let your imagination loose...
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