Thursday, June 01, 2006

Trying to be a problem solver, the best that I know how.

Folks, I have a problem. Well, okay, more than one problem.

Problem #1: I enjoy gardening. I've enjoyed gardening for as long as I can remember. I have vivid memories of helping Mom in the garden at a very young age for many hours at a time. No, I suppose this isn't really a problem but it is in light of some of the forthcoming problems.

Problem #2: I don't own any land to pursue my love of gardening. This wasn't a very big problem until 2.5 years ago when my mother sold her farm and moved into the city. Up until that time I would quell my problem by gardening at her home at least once a month.

Problem #3: I am addicted to garden centres. I've always enjoyed seeing them pop up in parking lots in May but this year, with more time on my hands, I can't seem to stop myself. I have been in a gardening centre or two or three nearly every day now for the past couple of weeks. Just wandering through. Happily. Aimlessly. This week I haven't had a car and yet I am STILL finding my way into garden centres - even if it means walking upwards of an hour to get to them.

Problem #4: I love organized, thought out gardens. I like it when there are plants of varying heights and colour. When there is drama and dimension. This year, I have a balcony and the desire to plant a balcony garden of sorts. I even went to the bookstore and perused books on ways to make a balcony garden interesting and dynamic. I had ideas. I had creativity. I had imagination. And then I got to the gardening centre and it all fell apart. I couldn't stop myself. The colour palette went out the window. The organization gone. It all came down to buying as many pretty flowers as would fit into my humble window boxes.

Alas, no dreamy balcony garden. Nobody will pause outside my balcony gazing upon the wonder; the drama, the romantic setting. Nobody, except for me. Because, you see, it is my little garden and for now, that is enough.

P.S. Before any of you offer, I realize that you would probably happily have me come over to weed your gardens if I'm so desperate. Believe me, it's not the same as having my own. Not even close.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am currently avoiding garden centres even though I still have empty containers in places.

I'm a hodge-podge lover myself :)

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May I say that there is likely some older person in your neighbourhood who would love to have a gardening freak over doing it in their yard. Share your gift!

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should know I wouldn't be able to resist this one... I can so relate! I have to leave my debit card at home these days.

10:53 PM  
Blogger Joyska said...

can't really relate.. my black thumb reigns supreme in my world... which reminds me... i should water my plants... yikes...

Miss ya!

1:50 AM  
Blogger Heather Plett said...

Yeah, I'm definitely missing THAT particular gene.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Raehan said...

Wonderful post! I don't have a green thumb but my Mom is just like you.

12:47 AM  
Blogger What's so funny? said...

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog via Perfect Post! I've been offline for a bit...

I enjoyed your post. I once had a balcony garden. It was wonderful! And it blocked out the neighbors! We had a lot of cactus too! Now we have a yard and it took several years to figure out what was going to grow and what wasn't. Good luck and post pics when they start to bloom!

Mom of Sweetie

11:07 PM  

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