Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why I attend the Austin Threshermen's Reunion and Stampede

My father resides there. His love of history. His love of animals. His people. His ability to stook faster than anyone else. His shy head-tilted smile.

And now

My daughter resides there. Her love of activity. Her love of cotton candy. Her people. Her ability to charm anyone she meets. Her bright-eyed smile.

And maybe in some small way I can join these two worlds that have never actually touched each other.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It might be a lot of work but living with a 3 year-old couldn't be much more fun


Yesterday at Ballet in the Park:

Abby: Dad, if you have any money leftover, can you buy me some popcorn?
J-L: No, I’m not buying you popcorn. I have $3 leftover but I am giving that as a donation.

Repeat somewhere between 3-300 times.


Abby: Dad, if you have any money leftover…
J-L (frustrated by this point): Abby! I am not buying you any popcorn!
Abby: I know! I was going to say: if you have any money leftover can you give it to me so that I can buy some popcorn.

This evening on our walk:

Abby (clutching some pink twine): Mom, I’m going to make a cloud.
Me (perplexed): Um, how exactly are you going to make a cloud?
Abby (slightly frustrated, pointing up): Like THOSE!

Oh yes, of COURSE. Duh!

Monday, July 13, 2009

bright smile, dark eyes

The morning starts out tense. I rush and she interrupts. She bothers. She spills and makes her brother cry and makes a mess and puts her clothes on incorrectly and fusses when I comb her hair. She wants to help but she just makes more work.

And I shout and I correct and I shriek and I yell and I discipline.

And on the way to the festival I say a little prayer: "God, give me patience for this girl."

The afternoon she finds a friend. And she plays and she dances and she beams and she smiles and she laughs and she bounces.

And I say another prayer: "God, make me worthy of this girl."

Thursday, July 09, 2009


Be very, very quiet. It's not every day you get to see the beautiful mystical garden fairy at work. One would hate to scare her away.