Abby likes to sleep in bed with us. She's liked this for quite some time. She starts out in her own bed but sometime in the wee hours of the morning she wanders over to our room, her pink bear clutched in her hands to climb in to bed with us.
Thing is, she's quite a bit of a bed hog. I swear that she takes up more room than J-L and I put together. And, as a result, oftentimes one of the parents ends up in her bed in order to get some sleep.
Honestly, I don't mind it that much. My girl has never been much of a hugger, lap-sitter, hand-holder or anything that involves physical touch. And yet at night she will nuzzle right in to my neck and for a moment I feel about as loved as a mother can get. Her father on the other hand? Yeah, he gets the other end. The kicking, the pushing. It makes for a rough night of sleep for him on a lot of occasions.
That brings us to earlier this week. He's had enough and he discusses with Abby the idea of compromise and how we can come to a solution that works for all of us. Several ideas are thrown around but in the end it's decided that for this week she can come to bed with us every night at 1 am. Next week? 2 am. And so on. The idea is that eventually she will be weened off altogether.
Last night she comes to our bed around 12:15. As agreed upon, J-L asks her to go back to her bed until 1 am. Sadly but obediently she heads back to her bedroom.
I lay there awake listening to her coughing in her bed.
12:44am: I'll just go in and peek on her.
I walk in to the room to see my daughter crouched on her bed, staring intently at the clock. I ask her what she's doing and she bursts in to tears. I know what she's doing. And my heart breaks.
That visual of her digital clock glowing red on her face as she tries to will the time to pass is not one that will leave me quickly.
I climb into bed with her and brush her hair away from her wet cheeks.