Step 1: Pick grapes before the birds get them (The multiple purple poo stains on our deck last September attend to the fact that I was too late last year.)

Step 2: Suggest to assistant that she actually pick a few grapes to go into the
Note: Lovely bowlful of grapes. Note also the horrendous shirt chosen for assistant. Perhaps it can get covered with grape stains and Never Be Seen of Again.
Step 3: (no photo) Hurry back inside because goodness! it's cold out and what kind of mother lets her child out in shorts in such weather?
Step 4: (no photo) Pick grapes from stems, wash grapes, wash multiple spots from counter where assistant placed purple fingers, smile with glee at grape stains on lame
handmedownohwellwecanuseitasaplayshirt T.
Step 5: Mash grapes.

Step 6: Check on assistant.

Step 7: Boil grapes.

Step 8: Let grapes drip for 2+ hours. Thank the lucky stars above that this 2 hours also coincides with Nap Time.

Step 9: Have assistant read further directions.

Step 10: Have assistant add sugar and pectin to boiling juice.

Step 11: Pour into prepared jars and admire handiwork.

Step 12: Check on assistant.

Step 13: Contemplate multiple
purpled dishes.

Step 14: Check on assistant.