As most of you know, I've taken up a wee bit of a photo project for the year. 52 words. 52 weeks. Truth is (she admits sheepishly) I'm doing two of them. And so, as you can imagine... This has taken over our lives to a degree. Thankfully, save a few dollars on props and a bit on gas, it's a relatively cheap project. But, the brain is constantly whirring and there are regular conversations about them in our home (eg. Patrick comes upstairs yesterday carrying his phone that is now broken in two: "Hey, you could use this for 'mistake'".) Well, my daughter has now taken up her own little project. And, I must say, it is a delight seeing her brain and creativity at work. And so, without further adieu, here are her words (all her own ideas):
- Snowhill
- Marry
- Food
- Flower
- Pretty
- Silly
- Sour
- Family
- Music
- Love
- Yummy
- Outside
- Jesus
- Coke
- Sleep