Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen things to look forward to:
1. Slightly warm, slightly cool walks through the park.
2. Getting settled in my home.
3. A visit from the Calgary branch of our family.
4. Going to a movie (or two) with my equally-addicted brother.
5. One last outdoor pizza night in Riverton.
6. The resumption of Thursday Nights.
7. A surprise for my boy. Shh, don’t tell him.
8. Our housewarming party. Tentative date: September 15th. Stay tuned for details.
9. A concert planned for September, assuming my sister still wants to go with me.
10. A concert planned for October.
11. A trip to Minneapolis with Corrie, Pam and Don.
12. NFL season. Oh no, wait, that should be on J-L’s list.
13. Planning Abby’s birthday party. Yes, that’s still a long way off. BUT, it’s at OUR HOUSE so it’s extra special this year.